We have exciting news to tell you! After months of negotiations, John Malkiewycz, General Manager of 3ABN Australia, has signed a contract with Optus to put the 3ABN International TV network on the VAST system within Australia. As a result, 3ABN International is now available on VAST channel 603 for Australian viewers in rural and remote areas, as well as those in digital terrestrial TV black spots. In fact, anyone with a VAST certified satellite set-top box, even travellers, can view 3ABN International!
Those with a VAST system do not need to do anything special to receive 3ABN International. All you have to do is go to channel 603 on your VAST box and 3ABN will be there! A commercial network registration is not required.
VAST (Viewer Access Satellite Television) is an Australian Government free-to-air satellite service for households who cannot easily receive normal Australian television networks. Right now 3ABN is reaching into those homes! Currently, there are over 306,000 VAST households across Australia, growing at 500 to 800 homes each week – and now 3ABN International is alongside ABC and SBS, 24/7. Praise God! He has opened up this wonderful opportunity and we are excited to take hold of it!
We now have an additional monthly satellite bill to reach all these Australian homes with the Gospel on free-to-air TV. We believe that God has opened this door because there are people in those homes who will respond to the Gospel. Would you please prayerfully consider joining us to fund this exciting project? Thank you so much to those of you who already support 3ABN and its urgent work. Time is closing in on us and we need your help to reach as many as possible with the Gospel so Jesus can come.
For more information about VAST, please visit the myVAST website.
To find out more about 3ABN Australia, please see our About Us page.