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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions you need answered? Please have a look below. Donation Questions Program Guide Questions Technical Questions Products and…

Now Available: Video Downloads

We’re excited to announce a new type of product available from our online store. Video downloads of many of…


Do you have questions about INTERLESS? You’ve come to the right place. Have a look below to see if…

Now Available: INTERLESS by mySDAtv

We’re excited to announce that the INTERLESS by mySDAtv box is now available in Australia! With this device you…


3ABN television can be received worldwide on satellite and the Internet. Its 24-hour, 7-day a week broadcasts feature Christ-centred…


3ABN Radio can be received worldwide on satellite and the Internet. Its 24-hour, 7-day a week broadcasts feature Christ-centred programming…

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 16 June 2021 At 3ABN Australia, we are committed to protecting your privacy as a customer and…

How to get 3ABN

Did you know that you can receive 3ABN television and radio in many different ways? Well, you can! See…

“GO!” Evangelism

Step 1 – Registration Join the “GO!” Evangelistic Team, and support 3ABN’s efforts to spread the gospel with a…