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VAST Registration

3ABN International Network has been available on the VAST platform since 2017, and with the decommissioning of Optus D2…

180 Power Tips for Marriage

Great Advice for Busy Couples

You want the best for your marriage, but you don’t seem to have enough time, the urgent seems to overwhelm the important, and you don’t have time to read a relationship book.

If so, 180 Power Tips for Marriage was written for you. These quick, but powerful tidbits will improve your communication, draw you and your spouse closer together, and are guaranteed to make your marriage more satisfying than ever before. And best of all, each of these tips can be read in a minute or less! Read one a day and you’ll find ways to maximize the time you do have!

3ABN Now: Losing for God

Hear Vi Barlow’s story about the sacrifice she had to make to follow God and how He blessed her.

3ABN Now: Passion for Compassion

A fascinating story of extreme hardship and trial that led Dennis Perry to have a passion for compassion toward others.

3ABN Now: Cedarvale for Health

What and where is Cedarvale Health & Lifestyle Retreat? How did it begin and what impact does this retreat have on the people who go there for treatment? Find the answers, and more, during this informative interview with Adrian & Michealle Dorman.

3ABN Now: Flying for God

Phil is a young man who just spent 4 years flying for God in the rugged land of Papua New Guinea while working with the Adventist Aviation Service (AAS). Learn out what life is like for a modern day missionary pilot. Maybe you will be inspired to join this work!

3ABN Now: A Talent Used for God

Growing up with the challenges of living in communist Cuba, then relocating to the USA, Jaime put aside ambitions to be a medical doctor and has dedicated his life to serving God in full-time music ministry. You will be blessed by his testimony!

3ABN Now: Seeker for Truth

Clifford is a very energetic and excited person. He was a secular Jew from the USA but he wanted to find truth – absolute truth. His real journey to God was inspired by looking at a pizza on his plate. Watch the program to hear the rest of his fascinating story!