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Evolution Impossible: Historical Evidence for a Worldwide Flood

Last time we explored the geological evidence for a catastrophic global Flood. But of course, there are still animals and people living on Earth today, so not all life would have been destroyed in that event. If there were people who survived, then there may be other historical evidence for a global catastrophe like that. In this program, we look at this evidence.

Evolution Impossible: Evidence for the Existence of an Intervening God

We have considered so much evidence that shows that evolution really is impossible. But is there an alternative to evolution? Or are we left in scientific limbo, with nowhere else to turn?In his own personal experience, Dr. John Ashton has discovered that, while evolution is impossible, there is a God who exists and who is able to intervene in our lives. That’s a really exciting thought! Let’s explore the evidence.

3ABN Now: Our Search for Truth Brought Us Home

As a young person Melvin found no joy in keeping the Sabbath. He went elsewhere to find joy life and Katja joined him. But God had other plans. An unexpected comment set them on the journey home and now they are working for God, endeavouring to teach other people what God showed them in His word. Join us as we hear about Melvin and Katja’s journey. There are many lessons to learn, especially if you are young.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Operation Food for Life Update

In 2013 we interviewed Dennis Perry and David Woolley from Operation Food For Life to find out about their work for the people living on the Port Moresby rubbish dump. They are back to give us an update of the work of their ministry in PNG. There are the ‘at risk’ and poor children who have found a real home and education through their work. Dennis and David said they would not go beyond Port Moresby, but God has opened up a whole new work with people in a remote area. We also look at one of their success stories. Join us as we talk with these dedicated men who love God––and love ‘the poorest of the poor’.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Today Live – Battle for the Mind

The most fertile battlefield is the mind. How can we mount a successful defence against the enemy’s desire to victimise us on our own territory? Tune in for the answers!

Survival Handbook for Teachers and Parents

“This little gem of a book is born of vast experience and a passion that has long pursued the best in Christian education. Dr Allen Sonter’s words of wisdom should be in the toolbox of every teacher and parent. Having known and worked with Allen for more than 50 years, I recommend these reflections of tested and tried pedagogy from an unashamedly Christian viewpoint. Allen’s purpose, however, goes far beyond pedagogy by revealing a passion for the salvation of children for Christ and to inspire teachers present and future. If only the world could appreciate the real importance that must be placed on the education of children.”

John G Hammond PhD,

National Director of Adventist Education, Australia, 2001-2009.