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Healthy Living: Breaking the Age Barrier

Every hour, 5 men die before their time in Australia from potentially preventable illnesses—and women aren’t far behind! Dr John Clark will tell us all about it in this episode.

Healthy Living: Lifestyle Choices

In 2005 the US Surgeon General said that our daily lifestyle choices accounted for 70% of our health status – more than all other factors put together, including medical care and genetics. What are those lifestyle choices? Dr John Clark will show us.

Healthy Living: Heartburn

Do you suffer from heartburn? Is it the same as a heart attack? How can it be relieved? Find out from Dr John Clark in this episode of Healthy Living.

Focus on God’s Word: 5 Reasons Christ Is Coming Soon

Have you often heard that Jesus is coming soon, but wonder why soon seems to take so long? Is He even really coming? In this program, Geoff Youlden gives five compelling reasons why Jesus coming is not just soon, but imminent.

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Focus on God’s Word: How To Study And Understand The Bible

The Bible is a big book, so how do we study it? Is it possible to understand it as it was meant to be, seeing there are so many interpretations out there? In this program, Geoff Youlden answers these questions and shows that we can, indeed, understand the Bible.

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Focus on God’s Word: The Secret Of Happiness

Have you ever wanted to be really happy? What’s the secret of happiness, and is there really such a thing? Geoff Youlden shares some fantastic insights in this program.

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Focus on God’s Word: How To Understand The Book Of Revelation

Apocalypse, Doomsday, Armageddon, the end of the world as we know it, are all associated with the Book of Revelation. How does one make sense of it all? Is there a message in there that we really need to know? In this program, Geoff Youlden shares the secret to understanding this great book.

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Focus on God’s Word: The Anti Christ… Who Is He?

The Bible talks about an antichrist. Christians have long wondered who this is, and what they will do. Geoff Youlden shares the truth about this mysterious character in this exciting program!

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Focus on God’s Word: The Fatal Mistake

A fatal mistake was made a long time ago, and most Christians don’t know that they have continued it. What is it and how do we avoid it? In this program, Geoff Youlden gives us the answer.

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