Search Results for: %22Healthy Living%22

Healthy Living with Dr Coralia Jigau

Join Margot Marshall, Dr Coralia Jigau and four of Dr Coralia’s patients, as they share wonderful accounts of dramatically improved health resulting from lifestyle changes.

1. Liver, Diabetes & Heart Disease
2. Kidney Failure
3. Reversing Diabetes
4. Depression & Anxiety

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Healthy Living: Childhood Mental Health and Behavioural Disorders

Illnesses accompanied by behavioural problems are stressful for all concerned. Dr Andrew Pennington has been trained to use targeted nutrient therapy to correct biochemical imbalances associated with mental illness and behavioural disorders.

A DVD and download bundle containing this program and three more with Dr Andrew Pennington is also available.

Healthy Living: The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Disease

Studies have shown that that adverse childhood experiences are associated with an increase in many adult diseases, but healing is possible with attention to holistic health. Dr Andrew Pennington shows us how in this program.

A DVD and download bundle containing this program and three more with Dr Andrew Pennington is also available.

Healthy Living: Understanding Dementia

There are 36 documented causes of dementia – like a roof with 36 holes. What are those causes, and is there anything we can do to prevent this disease? Find out in this program.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Legumes a Superfood

How amazing would a food need to be to be honoured by the United Nations for a whole year? That is, it declared 2016 as International Year of Pulses. In this episode, we find out what makes them so amazing.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Reaching 100

What are the secrets of the longest living people on earth? What can you do now to improve not only the chances of reaching 100 but getting there with less disabilities? Find out the secrets to long and healthy life in this program.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Caffeine – Do I Really Need It?

In this program we’re talking about caffeine: Does it really help with alertness? You might be surprised. Are their major problems associated with its consumption? And are there therapies that deal with withdrawal? Watch for answers.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: The Most Important Antioxidant

What is the price of a good night’s sleep? A marketing analytics firm projects the sleep industry could reach an astounding $32 billion this year in the U.S. alone. But that’s just the dollar figure – not the cost to our health. Dr Eddie Ramirez has many proven sleep solutions, including a surprising one from a recent research paper.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Obesity

Most of the world’s population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. What are the causes? And what can we do about it? Watch this program for practical, doable solutions.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.