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3ABN Now: Become a Missionary – Anywhere

Do you have to go to another country to be a missionary? Do you need certain qualifications? Or does God call us all to that work? If He does, how do we do it? Having been a foreign missionary for 14 years, Dr Mark Turnbull has experience and ideas that will help ANYONE, even the bed ridden and lonely, to become missionaries for God – right where they are. Do you want to work for God? Dr Mark can help you know how to go about it.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: A Growing Controversy Within Science

There is a growing controversy within science. Are new biological insights favouring evolution or creation? Have you heard about ‘junk genes’ (are they really junk?), orphan genes, irreducible complexity? Dr Leonard Brand, a geologist and palaeontologist, brings out interesting facts about these subjects.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Kinds, Species and Taxonomy

Dr James Gibson is a biologist and mathematician. Listen as he explains the difference between kinds, species and talks about the diversities within species. He explains how a wrong understanding of these things has led to problems between faith and science. Is there such a thing as biblical evolution or is evolution only a secular concept? This interesting interview will give you many answers that will help build your faith.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Bad Design or Ignorant Interpretation?

In the Bible King David said we are fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving Creator while atheistic Darwinists assert that we are products of an uncaring, unintelligent process. They cite examples of ‘bad’ design to support their ideas. Is the eye a ‘bad’ design? Why would it have been labelled as such by an evolutionist? Or, is it a matter of ignorant interpretation on their part? Dr Timothy Standish discusses these and other related subjects in this week’s very interesting interview.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: God’s Story of Love

Dr Zdravko Stefanović is a lecturer, author and linguist whose favourite book of the Bible is Daniel. Join us as we speak with Dr Stefanović about his personal testimony. We also discuss his favourite subject – God’s story of love as expressed in the Bible – especially in the book of Daniel. You may like to join him on one of his Bible tours to Israel and Greece.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: The Need to Be Needed

This week we speak further with Dr Mark Turnbull about his missionary work in remote Gaua Island, Vanuatu, and the lessons he has learned along the way. One of the most important changes he has seen is in the health of the people with the introduction of supermarket type food. You will be amazed by what he has found and the conclusions that can be drawn from what has happened.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Lifestyle Medicine Impacts Fiji

Lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes type 2, are spreading at an alarming rate in the South Pacific island nations. What is the background and causes of the disaster that is now affecting nations like Fiji? Is anything being done? Join us as George Kwong explains the situation and what lifestyle program, such as CHIP, are achieving in turning the tide against these terrible diseases. Some of the results are miraculous. Maybe someone you know needs this information.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: I Was Blind, But Now I See

From gangs, poverty, and rock and roll, to the best instructor in spreading the Gospel within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You will enjoy listening to Pr Louis Torres as he speaks candidly about his personal testimony. One night God had him step back and opened his eyes in an amazing way so that he could see how futile his worldly life really was. That event turned his whole life around 180 degrees. Join us as we go on his journey. It might turn your life around too.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.