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3ABN Now: Revelation of Hope

Pr Taj Pacleb along with his wife, Wati, travels the world preaching God’s Good News of salvation. But, his early life was anything but Christ centred. From a broken home, he got into all the wrong company and life went further downhill. Then, an unexpected invitation from heaven, and a praying Mum, changed his life. When God called him to ministry he responded immediately, spreading his new faith to everyone he knew. His powerful story may help you or someone you know.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Adventist Rescued Children’s Care

We first interviewed Althea Mason in 2016 when she was running an orphanage in Thailand for International Children’s Care. But, ICC closed its doors and she was suddenly without income to support the children. What would she do? Listen to find out how God opened amazing doors and how the orphanage, now under a new name, is continuing to look after children in northern Thailand.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: The History of Batuna – Part 2

This week Glynn Lock & Ron Keeler are back to finish their story of the history of Batuna, Solomon Islands. We learn about the local people who had no written language before the SDA Work began in their area but who, after only a few years of education, pioneered the printing and translation work. Marvel at what God was able to do with only a few honest hearted converts in such a short time.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Full Circle to Health

When we are young we can be strongly influenced by our peers, even within the church, to disregard what our parents are trying to teach us. This can lead us into wrong paths and away from God. Kathlyn Wolpin was one such young person. But God reached her through a health crisis. This led her to appreciate what her Dad tried to teach her when she was younger. Are you in rebellion against what your parents are trying to teach you? Or suffering from a health crisis? You may find answers in Kathlyn’s experience.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Focus on God’s Word (Season 6)

God has given us all the necessary ingredients for peace and happiness. Satan—God’s enemy—is determined to destroy this peace and happiness through deception and trickery. In this series, you’ll discover how you can spot Satan’s deceptions, and be part of God’s soon coming eternal kingdom.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download. Individual episodes available, see links with topics below.

Focus on God’s Word: The Secret to Peace and Happiness

In His holy law of love—the Ten Commandments—God has given us all the necessary ingredients for how we can enjoy blessed peace and happiness. Satan hates God’s law because he is determined to bring maximum pain and suffering to the Creator’s children. God’s end-time people are described as: loving and loyal to the One who gave His life for their salvation. Discover how you can place God’s eternal principles of love in your heart.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: Lest We Forget

In God’s final message of love to the world, found in Revelation 14, the Creator of our world invites all of earth’s inhabitants to worship the One who made heaven and earth. It’s a call to remember the Creator – to enter into a very sacred relationship with the One who gives and sustains life, each and every seventh day Sabbath. Journey from Genesis to Revelation as we discover God’s blessings to humanity through the Sabbath gift.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: History’s Holy Hoax

From Genesis to Revelation, God’s holy day which He dedicated for rest and worship is the seventh day Sabbath. If this is what Scripture teaches, why do most Christians worship on Sunday—the first day of the week?

2,500 years ago, God predicted that a power would arise who would seek to change God’s holy law which He wrote on stone with His own finger. Discover the truth about God’s holy day and how the change took place.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: The Truth About Death

They say that there are two certainties in life; death, and taxes. You may somehow manage to avoid paying your taxes, but there is no way to avoid death. What really happens when a person dies? Discover God’s truth, filled with assurance and hope.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: Healthy and Happy

Discover God’s plan for how you can live the abundant life in the midst of our sin-sick world. God’s plan is for us to live wholistic lives, growing in all the different dimensions that we have been created for—physical, mental, social and spiritual.

Also available in the full set of six programs.