Search Results for: %22Healthy Living%22

Healthy Living: Cancer and Inflammation

What does a stubbed toe or a splinter in a finger have to do with your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, heart attack or cancer? More than you might think. Scientists are starting to see links to an age-old defense mechanism called inflammation.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Milk or Soy?

There’s a lot of controversy about soy. Is it good or bad for me? And, for that matter, is milk good or bad for me? Listen as we explore some current research on these two foods.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Omega 3 and Fish

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and our bodies can’t make it. We’re told that we need to eat fish or take fish oil in order to obtain it. Believe it or not, this is not the only source, and there are many downsides to using fish. Find out what we can do about that in this program.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy has been used for thousands of years to bring relief from many ailments. In this program Dr Eddie Ramirez explains hydrotherapy, and we’ll show you some simple treatments that you can do at home.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Charcoal

Activated Charcoal is used worldwide in hospital emergency rooms to neutralize drugs and poisons. And it’s also useful to have on hand for a variety of everyday ailments. Find out more from Dr Eddie Ramirez in this program.

Also available as part of a set of 13 programs.

Healthy Living: Neuroplasticity and Intimacy

There are many factors that literally re-shape our brain, which in turn, re-shapes our behaviour and the quality of our lives. In this program, Dr Eddie Ramirez will be talking about the powerful effect of social relationships on what is termed ‘neuroplasticity’.

Evolution Impossible: The Living Cell

When Isaac Newton looked back over his amazing career as a scientist, he said that he just felt like a boy playing on the sea-shore, finding pebbles and shells, when a whole ocean lay before him. Every scientist is very willing to recognise that there is still a lot to be discovered in science.

The same is true of Darwin. The big thing he knew very little about was actually very, very tiny—it’s the living cell. And the big question we are going to address in this program is: “How did life begin?”

Healthy Living: CBT and Neuroplasticity

Scientists have made the discovery that the brain is ‘plastic’ – that is to say that the brain has the ability to be shaped or formed by new activity – even into old age. In this program, with Dr Eddie Ramirez, we’ll discover how CBT – or cognitive behavioural therapy – can help to shape it for the better.