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3ABN Now: Helping Farmers in Need

What do people usually do in retirement? Take it easy? Grow flowers or veggies? Go around Australia or overseas? Visit family? Join a Men’s Club or craft group? There is nothing wrong with these, but there are some who take time to help strangers. One such couple are Pr Lionel Smith and his wife, Doreen. They are not alone, as they have a whole village of retirees who make their work of helping others possible. Maybe Pr Smith’s story will inspire you with ideas of what YOU can do to help a stranger in need.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Far Away From Home

Jo Kavur grew up in a changing world during World War 2. After the war the Communists took over and, once again, life changed. But, his father had given his family a good grounding in the things of God and that brought them through difficult trials, as they always knew God was there for them. Jo has written an inspiring book about his family’s experiences and Pr Clive Nash helped him prepare it for publication. Listen as we discuss the book and Jo’s family. You can purchase a copy of the book from 3ABN Australia.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: The Irvine School

When Moira and her 4 children followed her husband to Assam, India, she had no idea what God had instore for her in a foreign land. Though Ian was called there by the government, God had a special work for Moira to do among the local poor people. Through following God’s leading she left her a special part of herself there as a legacy that is still moving forward. It is amazing what God can do with one person who is willing to get out of their comfort zone and do something for others.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Operation Food for Life Update

In 2013 we interviewed Dennis Perry and David Woolley from Operation Food For Life to find out about their work for the people living on the Port Moresby rubbish dump. They are back to give us an update of the work of their ministry in PNG. There are the ‘at risk’ and poor children who have found a real home and education through their work. Dennis and David said they would not go beyond Port Moresby, but God has opened up a whole new work with people in a remote area. We also look at one of their success stories. Join us as we talk with these dedicated men who love God––and love ‘the poorest of the poor’.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: A Grandma’s Influence

A praying Grandma, or parent, can have a lasting influence in a child’s life. Pr Keith Godfrey’s is an example of that. Because of his Grandma’s influence, he has been a missionary for God both in PNG and Australia, among the white population and the Australian indigenous people. Listen to his story and find out what one godly Grandma can do to help spread the Gospel. Remember to pray for the salvation of YOUR loved ones.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Exploring the Godhead – Parts 1 & 2

What does God reveal about Himself in the Hebrew/Christian Scriptures? Is the God of the Bible a single being or a few Divine Persons working together? What does the Bible really reveal about Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What did the founders of the Seventh–day Adventist Church believe? Did their ideas change over time? What did God reveal to Ellen White? These questions, and more, will be discussed during these programs with Dr Sven Östring.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Helping Them Help Themselves

Would you like to have circus animals left at your house for you to look after? How about ‘hand raising’ man eating animals? Or going to another country to start a market garden in a desert? Meet a man who did all this. Barry Chapman, with his wife Bev, has had some interesting life experiences. Listen to his story about how God has used to him to help others learn how to help themselves.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: ADRA: Triumphs and Tragedies

Barry Chapman is back with us. But, this time, we discuss some of the projects he initiated for the widows, fatherless and poor in Uganda. What about the Rwanda genocide? Hear stories about the situation first hand, from one who had to arrange help for desperate and homeless people, and burials for the dead. You will find it most interesting.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Being Part of God’s Family

We are all part of a family. But we are also part of a bigger family. Pr Ray & Hazel Eaton talk to us about families––their families and our bigger family. They take us from the shores of Ireland, with pagan worship, to the shores of a smaller island, with God’s blessing and answered prayers in between. Join us as we talk about the first part of their journey with God.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: God’s Faithfulness at All Times

Pr Ray & Hazel Eaton join us again to continue the story from last week. This time we join them as they go to the South Pacific as missionaries. Pr Ray is an excellent story teller––so is Hazel––so you won’t want to miss any of the amazing stories they us from their time in mission service. Then they decided to start their own ministry to help the Solomon Islands. Find out what that is all about too.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.