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God’s Last Message Part 1 – The Foundation Provided by Prophecy

Join Dr Allan Lindsay in the opening episode of this 8-part series. The Old Testament prophet Daniel predicted in the 6th century BC the year in the 18th century for the beginning of the time of the end in which God’s last message to the world is to be given.
These presentations are simple and clear as Dr Lindsay looks at the certainty of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, leading to the proclamation of God’s final message of warning to the whole world. The accurate fulfillment of the prophecies of the past give confidence in those that are yet to be fulfilled.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

God’s Last Message Part 2 – Fixing the Time of its Appearance

Join Dr Allan Lindsay in the second episode of this 8-part series. In a second vision given to Daniel it is revealed to him the exact year Jesus was to be crucified more than 500 years in advance, but more than that, he is also shown the exact year for the beginning of the proclamation of God’s last message to the world.

These presentations are simple and clear as Dr Lindsay looks at the certainty of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, leading to the proclamation of God’s final message of warning to the whole world. The accurate fulfillment of the prophecies of the past give confidence in those that are yet to be fulfilled.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

God’s Last Message Part 3 – Its Content Revealed

Join Dr Allan Lindsay in the third episode of this 8-part series. Strange events that occurred in the mid-19th century AD were revealed to the apostle John in a vision given him by Jesus near the end of the 1st century AD and recorded in the biblical book of Revelation.

These presentations are simple and clear as Dr Lindsay looks at the certainty of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, leading to the proclamation of God’s final message of warning to the whole world. The accurate fulfillment of the prophecies of the past give confidence in those that are yet to be fulfilled.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

God’s Last Message Part 4 – Jesus is Coming! Soon!

Join Dr Allan Lindsay in the fourth episode of this 8-part series. A most startling message proclaimed right on time that led to a most bitter disappointment but was God involved?

These presentations are simple and clear as Dr Lindsay looks at the certainty of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, leading to the proclamation of God’s final message of warning to the whole world. The accurate fulfillment of the prophecies of the past give confidence in those that are yet to be fulfilled.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

God’s Last Message Part 5 – The Great Disappointment – His Appointment

Join Dr Allan Lindsay in the fifth episode of this 8-part series. God’s last message to the world begins with a startling announcement that brings fear to many and wonderful hope to others.

These presentations are simple and clear as Dr Lindsay looks at the certainty of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, leading to the proclamation of God’s final message of warning to the whole world. The accurate fulfillment of the prophecies of the past give confidence in those that are yet to be fulfilled.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

God’s Last Message Part 8 – Two Marks – Two Decisions: Your Choice

Join Dr Allan Lindsay in the last episode of this 8-part series. God’s last message to the world is presented in detail because Jesus loves the world and earnestly desires the world to be ready for His soon return.

These presentations are simple and clear as Dr Lindsay looks at the certainty of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, leading to the proclamation of God’s final message of warning to the whole world. The accurate fulfillment of the prophecies of the past give confidence in those that are yet to be fulfilled.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Finding Absolute Truth

Absolute truth. Does it really exist, or is it only a theory or impossible dream? Is truth something that each individual decides for themselves? If so, how can it then be truth? Barend Nieuwstraten wanted to find truth. Not just any truth, but ABSOLUTE truth. He succeeded. And when he did, it changed his life. Listen to his testimony of what he found. It might just be what you are searching for too. It is real. It does exist!

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Declare It in the Isles – Parts 1 & 2

Dr Allen Sonter is a retired educator/administrator missionary who worked for the SDA Church in education for over 40 years. He and his wife Margaret worked in 5 Pacific island nations and New Zealand during that time. He has written a book “Declare It In The Isles” about their adventures and the way God looked after them during that time. In this program we talk about his early life and the different places he and Margaret worked.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Who is The Rock?

Dr Sven Östring joins us to discuss a Bible verse that has caused some of the greatest conflicts in Christianity throughout the centuries. We explore Matthew 16:18 to find the answer to the question––“Who is the Rock”? Beginning in 366AD, we look at its historical perspective, and dive into other Bible texts that help explain this topic from God’s point of view. Travel with us as we explore this verse.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: God Is Still with Us

“Pitcairn Island? Where is that?” This is what Rick and Jenny Ferret asked when they were called to serve there. Find out how God literally called them to this far flung mission station. Where was God when their young daughter was dying of terrible injuries without medical help? Or when their son needed God’s help in PNG? Does God still perform miracles today? Listen as they testify of God’s leading and intervention despite the difficulties and challenges that came to them.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.