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3ABN Now: What God is Like

Are you looking for a book that you can share with those who know little about God? Well, have we got the book for you! On this week’s program Dr Barry Harker will tell you about it. He will also explain what the term “illiberal democracy” means as he updates us on what has happened in the world since he published his last book, “It’s Sunday In America”.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: My Journey to Forgiveness

How do you forgive someone who has committed a terrible crime against someone you love––and against you? Can you forgive them? Is it even possible? Listen to Jean Gersbach’s story as God showed her how to forgive the unforgiveable. Her story may be what YOU need to hear so you can also forgive someone else and find peace and release. Not many people have had to forgive a crime as terrible as she experienced.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Uncorking The Hazards of Alcohol

Alcohol. It is a common commodity in the shops today––even supermarkets are selling it to cash in on this very lucrative market. But, is it what the advertising really makes it out to be? Does it improve your life, or make you more popular? Is it really impossible to have a fun time without it? Dr John Ashton wrote a book titled “ Uncorked” where he reveals some of the lesser known hazards of drinking alcohol. Listen as he takes us through some of these risks. You may never have known many of these before. If you, or someone you know, drinks alcohol, even in ‘small’ amounts, you need to listen to this program.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: 3ABN Australia Stories – Parts 1 & 2

Part 1 –
Ellen White says that we should not forget the way that God has led us in the past. Recounting the things He has done can be very encouraging for both us and those who hear our stories. Because of this, we decided to tell some of the stories of 3ABN Australia, the way God led, and some of the amazing things He did––many could be called miracles and, certainly, Divine appointments.
There are so many stories to tell, so this program is part 1. Rod Butler (producer of ‘Let God Speak’) is the host, and he interviews John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.

Part 2 –
Rod Butler, producer of ‘Let God Speak’, continues his interview with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz concerning the early days of 3ABN Australia. This program concentrates more on their first trip around Australia to promote 3ABN and to see if it was possible to receive the satellite signal along the east coast. Not only were they able to successfully install dishes all the way around the country, and in the red centre, they also continued to have Divine appointments and amazing installations. You will enjoy their stories.

Click here for parts 3 & 4.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Healthy Living: Water

Our ability to live and function is directly related to the amount of water we drink. Every body function requires water. Prepare to be amazed at the incredible benefits of this basic commodity that Dr John Clark shares with us.

3ABN Now: Full Circle to Health

When we are young we can be strongly influenced by our peers, even within the church, to disregard what our parents are trying to teach us. This can lead us into wrong paths and away from God. Kathlyn Wolpin was one such young person. But God reached her through a health crisis. This led her to appreciate what her Dad tried to teach her when she was younger. Are you in rebellion against what your parents are trying to teach you? Or suffering from a health crisis? You may find answers in Kathlyn’s experience.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Evolution Impossible: The Big-Bang Theory

In this program, we will travel back in time to the very beginning—to the Big Bang itself. Sound like an explosive topic? Actually, you may be surprised to find that the concept, that the Big Bang was an explosion in space, isn’t what cosmologists actually teach. If that sounds intriguing, come with us on this journey.

3ABN Now: Pestilence, Pandemic & Prophecy – Parts 1 & 2

We are currently going through a time of global pestilence. Does the Bible have anything to say about such things? What are some Biblical reasons for them? What about health, the immune system, sanitation and quarantine, mental health issues and family pressures? Let’s look together with Danny Milenkov and Peter Watts to see if the Bible has any answers that will help us with the things we are facing in the world right now.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Opening Eyes Through Bible Prophecy

Do you wonder how you can reach people you know with Bible truth? Yip Kok Tho and his wife, Roxana Tang, decided to start a cooking program in their home. It was coming along nicely–-until COVID hit. What would they do now to keep working with those who had been attending their in-home programs? Kok Tho and Roxana tell us about the door that God opened for them. They also talk about some of the false doctrines that many believe, as well as what can be done to reach others with the truth.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.