Search Results for: %22Healthy Living%22

Healthy Living: Prayer and Neuroplasticity

Scientists have discovered that 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an 8-week period can change the brain to such an extent that it can be measured on a brain scan! Join us as Dr Eddie Ramirez explores the connection between prayer and neuroplasticity.

Healthy Living: Neuroplasticity and ACE

Scientists have discovered that our brains are continually being reshaped; it’s called neuroplasticity. So, what effects do adverse childhood events (ACE) have on the brain? Things like abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, like losing a parent to divorce or prison, and so on? Find out in this program with Dr Eddie Ramirez.

Healthy Living: Neuroplasticity and Addiction

Our brain is constantly rewiring, for better or for worse, depending on what we think about and what we do. So how do addictions reshape our brain’s physical anatomy? Listen as Dr Eddie Ramirez discusses neuroplasticity.

Healthy Living – with Dr Andrew Pennington

Four programs with Dr Andrew Pennington covering topics such as childhood trauma and mental health, and how nutrition affects the mental heath of adults.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Healthy Living: High Blood Pressure

There is good news and bad news: The bad news is that the number of people in the world with high blood pressure has reached 1.13 billion, nearly doubling since 1975 – and it’s no longer a disease of affluent countries. The good news is that high blood pressure can be reversed. Found out how in this episode of Healthy Living with Dr John Clark.

Healthy Living: Water

Our ability to live and function is directly related to the amount of water we drink. Every body function requires water. Prepare to be amazed at the incredible benefits of this basic commodity that Dr John Clark shares with us.

Healthy Living with Dr Eddie Ramirez on Neuroplasticity

Five programs with Dr Eddie Ramirez:
1) Neuroplasticity and Intimacy
2) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Neuroplasticity
3) Prayer and Neuroplasticity
4) Neuroplasticity and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
5) Neuroplasticity and Addiction

Individual programs are available as HD/SD video download.

Healthy Living: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Don’t Let Joint Pain Slow Your Journey. Listen as Dr John Clark tells us how Trish went from a wheelchair to walking the Grand Canyon.

Healthy Living: Alzheimer’s Dementia

Alzheimer’s Dementia has physical, psychological, social, and economical impact on carers, families and society. But is it a normal part of ageing? And can it be reversed? Stay tuned as Dr John Clark tells us about it.

Healthy Living: Lung Health

We can survive weeks without food, days without water and only minutes without air. Stay tuned for Dr John Clark’s vital tips on lung health.