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INSIGHT Tract – Evolved or Designed?

The question of where we originally came from fascinates us all. There are two dominant explanations in the world—either we evolved from a pond of chemicals or we were designed. Come on a journey with us as we go back all the way to the beginning to discover the truth.

INSIGHT Tract – Fingerprints of God’s Messiah

For thousands of years, the Jewish people were waiting and longing for the Messiah that God had promised would give them freedom and peace. But who would he be? Join us for an exciting detective journey as we follow the trail of fingerprints down through history which ultimately leads us to one amazing person!

INSIGHT Tract – The Journey of a Lifetime

This world is in trouble and there is only one solution. This tract describes Jesus promise to return to this earth to gather all His followers and take them to Paradise. Read what it will be like.

INSIGHT Tract – The Mark of the Beast

Everyone has heard of it but few know what it is. This will be a world-wide crisis and this little tract identifies clearly the issues that will be at stake. Everyone needs to know about this.

INSIGHT Tract – Sabbath Peace in Our Time

In today’s busy world where can we find true peace and rest? This little tract unveils God’s gracious offer of a full Sabbath day with Him each week free from labour and anxiety.

INSIGHT Tract – Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Bad things do happen. So where does evil come from? If God is so good who is behind all the bad stuff? In this tract the originator of evil is unmasked, and the reader can understand what is really happening on planet earth.

INSIGHT Tract – Who is the Beast?

The Bible talks about a Beast who will rule the world and oppress God’s people. The critical question is: who is the Beast? Discover the identity of the Beast before you get swept away by its deceptive and destructive power.

INSIGHT Tract – 5 Minutes After Death

What does happen when we die? Is there life after death? Everyone hopes so. This tract describes the Bible’s simple description of mankind’s state in death and the promise of the resurrection.

INSIGHT Tract – Paradise

Everyone dreams occasionally of Paradise. We all know this world is far from it. This tract describes the Paradise God is preparing for the people who trust in Him – a place more wonderful than your wildest dreams.