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3ABN Australia Homecoming 2022: “The Origin of Our Faith”

Sunday morning 10 am session with Pr Stephen Duncan.

The resurrection is the foundation of the Christian Faith. In fact, the disciples’ faith was based on it. The Bible is a Safe that holds inside the eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ followers. Lift up Jesus, Tell His story and how that has impacted our story.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2022: “Hell—The Real Truth About A Hot Topic”

Sunday morning 11 am session with Pr Danny Milenkov.

The Bible teaches that the fires of hell will not burn forever and ever. On the cross, Jesus tasted hell––the experience of total separation from the Father––for us all. The subject of hell is one of the most misunderstood Bible teachings. It has turned more people away from God and Christianity than almost any other teaching. God’s final message of love to the world, contained in the three angel’s messages of Revelation 14, describes the fate of those who refuse the everlasting gospel. The character of God is at stake. A correct understanding of Hell will draw us closer to our Creator.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2022: “God’s Will Be Done”

Sunday noon 12 pm session with Dr Erika Puni.

The Prayer: It’s a Conversation and Commitment to God’s Will. The Parable: Prayer is Personal and It Works. The Promise: Prayer opens doors and It helps us access God’s Spirit.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Let’s Dig Up Discipleship

Do you belong to a broken, issues–based church? Is it going nowhere fast? Dr Mark Turnbull has ideas on how to bring it back to life before it is forever too late. He draws these answers from personal experience of going to a church that was imploding. What made the difference? If you really want to see your church turn around and be on fire for God, listen to Dr Mark as he tells this true life story of transformation.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Training Servant Leaders

Meet Noela, a girl who should have died. But, through an unexpected stop at an isolated airstrip, God brought her back from the brink of death––for a purpose. In this program Dr Mark Turnbull shares the story of Noela and how God is using her for His work. He shares about the Leadership Training Centre and L.I.D.I.M. He also warns about one of the biggest hinderances to spreading the Gospel––Social Media addiction and its effects.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Training & The Wellness Centre

Dr Mark Turnbull is one of the people behind the vision to establish a Wellness Centre on Gaua Island, Vanuatu. In this program he talks about the plans for the centre and their current needs to make it a reality. He also brings together how the Leadership Training Centre and the biblical Servant Leadership model will work hand in hand with the Wellness Centre.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Being A Missionary Kid

Many times we have spoken with people who have been missionaries in Pacific island nations. This time we speak with two brothers who, along with their 2 other brothers, were missionary kids in Papua New Guinea, after WWII. Ray and Don Boehm talk about the places they lived, things that happened, and the blessing it was to have such a wonderful upbringing and opportunity. One of the lessons they learned was that, although there are always negatives in life, we should focus on the blessings that God gives us, and be content.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: God’s Path Is Always Best

Many times we have a goal for our lives, and put our energy into pursuing that plan, while God is trying to help us see a different, better path. We can justify our choice, while ignoring God’s obvious leading. But, when we let go of our ideas, and choose God’s path over our own, we find life’s greatest joy and satisfaction comes through serving others. This is the experience of today’s guest, Pr Kyle Allen, Vice-President of Adventist World Radio.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Pandemic Busters Pts 1 & 2

Part 1 –
Covid-19 has shaken the world, and it may not be over yet. New variants continue to emerge. Not only that, but many experts are predicting that new pandemics will spread soon. But what is a pandemic, and where do they come from? How can we avoid them? Or is that even possible? Dr Eddie Ramirez is with us to answer these questions, and more, so, you can learn how to bust pandemics.

Part 2 –
God is never taken by surprise. He knows all about pandemics and how to deal with them. He left us information about how to take care of ourselves––spiritually, mentally and physically––so we can stay healthy. Dr Eddie Ramirez will tell us some of the things we can do to keep our immune systems in “fighting fit” condition. In fact, there are 22 principles outlined in his new book “Pandemic Busters”, which, if followed, can help us beat pandemics and other health issues.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: A Man of Skill and Faith

There are stories in the Bible where God gave special skills to certain people for His work, such as Bezaleel in the building of the desert tabernacle. Our guest today is another man that God has especially invested in––through amazing skill in performing cataract surgery. Dr Jacob Prabhakar, from Eyes For India, tells his story of the way God has led in his life and how, when he prayed for skill in helping restore sight to poor people, God amazingly answered his prayers. You will be blessed as you listen to this enthusiastic man of faith.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.