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3ABN Now: Reviewing Life’s Journey

Reviewing our lives can help us see how God has lead, intervened and protected us, even when we haven’t realised. It can help us see how very close God has been and how he has opened doors for us to go through. Dorothy Mills joins us to share how God has been continually leading her, even when others made decisions for her. From humble beginnings, God worked everything out for the best, and led Dorothy to some interesting places and experiences.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Evolution Still Impossible – Parts 1 & 2

During these programs with scientist John Ashton, we will explore some of the reasons why Evolution is impossible. We will look at the fossil records, including extinction of species, radiometric dating methods, evidence for a worldwide flood, the Big Bang theory and erosion rates, which show the earth cannot be very old. The scientific evidence available today shows that evolution, as outlined by Darwin, cannot be the answer for this world’s existence. There must be a Supreme Creator.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Focus on God’s Word: Healthy and Happy

Discover God’s plan for how you can live the abundant life in the midst of our sin-sick world. God’s plan is for us to live wholistic lives, growing in all the different dimensions that we have been created for—physical, mental, social and spiritual.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

3ABN Now: Service – A Family Tradition

Service runs in the blood of 92 year old Frank Cherry. He shares with us stories of his grandfather and father, as well as his own life, as they served God in Australia, PNG and the Solomon Islands. Hear stories about Mona Mona Mission, the boat that wouldn’t burn and the truck he drove to Queensland.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Focus on God’s Word: Walking With Jesus

What are the essential ingredients for having a fulfilling relationship with Jesus? Discover seven simple steps you can put into practice each day, which will enable you to stay securely on the narrow path that leads to the New Jerusalem. If you put these principles into practice, your daily walk with Jesus will continually grow and strengthen.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

3ABN Now: The Eyes of Flies and More

Many scientists try to harmonise their scientific findings with evolution theory, when the conclusions of those findings can make sense only from the standpoint of an all-knowing and loving Creator. Dr Timothy Standish gives us some examples of this by going through some evolutionary based science papers published in 2022. He explains how the findings uphold design by a Creator God, not evolutionary theory.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Follow God’s Plan

God has plans for each of us. We can choose to follow His plan or go our own way. Dr Erika Puni is testify to the blessing of following God’s plan for his life. God has taken him on a journey to many levels of church employment. At each step Dr Puni has learned important lessons and skills that have prepared him for the next step. God wants to do the same for each of us. He wants us to light the lamps of others as we walk along the path He has for us. Listen to Dr Puni’s story and be blessed.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Hope for the Hopeless

Pr Geoff Youlden loves the stories of Bible characters and the lessons we can learn from them. Can God really forgive those who have done terrible things in their lives? Is anyone beyond His love and forgiveness? Can we have peace and acceptance with God and be reconciled to Him? We will learn the truth about this from the stories of people in the Bible.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Set Free By Christ

Letilda looks like an ordinary young lady. But there is much more to her life than you would suspect. She speaks candidly about where her life took her and how God rescued her. Listen to her story, as God may be trying to reach you through it.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Our Search for Truth Brought Us Home

As a young person Melvin found no joy in keeping the Sabbath. He went elsewhere to find joy life and Katja joined him. But God had other plans. An unexpected comment set them on the journey home and now they are working for God, endeavouring to teach other people what God showed them in His word. Join us as we hear about Melvin and Katja’s journey. There are many lessons to learn, especially if you are young.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.