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3ABN Now: SEEDS and Food Farmacy

Meet Camila Skaf. She is passionate about health, and she enjoys teaching others about how to have a healthy lifestyle. On this week’s program Camila shares information about a ministry called SEEDS, which conducts health promotion programs for the community. She also tells us about the great work of the “Wellness Hub” called “Food Farmacy”. This is a unique style of outreach that could be replicated by people in other places. Watch the program to hear about these health outreach initiatives then check out the websites for SEEDS and Food Farmacy for more information. If you live in Newcastle, NSW, go and try their wonderful food for yourself!

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Miracles and Broken Bones

Esther Chang was a recent guest but didn’t have time to tell all her stories of God’s miraculous healing and intervention in her life. So, she is back to tell us more about what God’s has done for her. Not only will she tell a story she didn’t have time to share during the last interview, she has experienced another amazing situation SINCE that interview. You must listen to the story of what happened and why God allowed it in the first place.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Building Ebenezer Stones

Ebenezer stones were set up in ancient Israel to help future generations remember what God had done for them and their people. But, they forgot–their memories grew dim. We need to set up these memorials too, so we don’t forget God’s working in our lives, and so we can share them with others. Rosemary Malkiewycz has had the privilege of listening to many testimonies while hosting this program. Today she shares with you some of HER Ebenezer Stone experiences with God. She hopes to bring you encouragement and even new insight into how God works in our lives.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: God’s Callings at Life’s Crossroads

Pr Gilbert Cangy was born a Pastor’s son. But as the family unravelled, so did his life. He was a young person in the church, but not in Jesus. As he tried to find his place in the world, Jesus showed up and finally got his attention. Then He led Gilbert, step by step, one crossroad after another, to some important roles within the SDA Church. At times, Gilbert experienced ‘holy discontent’, but God was leading. As he unpacks his story, God could be speaking to your heart as well.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: From Darkness to Light

These days, most children are brought up in dysfunctional or broken homes, even within Christianity. The impact on such children is real and can bring life–long trauma and devastation. Many will walk away from God and try to find their reality and ways to cope in the dark pleasures of this world. But, God cares about these impacted children and adults. Ethel Miman is such a person. Although she ended up in a very dark place, far from God, He was still able to reach her and bring her into His light, giving her a new beginning. Her story may help someone else find peace and happiness in a broken world.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Israel in Prophecy – Parts 1 & 2

Part 1
Pr Danny Milenkov is taking us through a 2 part series on Israel in prophecy. We begin by looking at where and how Israel began. Are Israel only those who are related biologically with Abraham? What did Jesus say about Israel? Who does the Bible say is a TRUE Israelite? Pr Danny answers these and many other questions as we go through the Bible to see what God says on this important subject.

Part 2
This is part two of our look at Israel in prophecy with Pr Danny Milenkov. Considering the current conflict in the area, we look at the Evangelical perspective of Israel in prophecy regarding Armageddon, Gog and Magog, the millennium, etc., and whether or not the Bible supports those conclusions. Watch this program so you can know what the Bible says and not be deceived by erroneous conclusions concerning last day events.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Certain Sound Media

Sometimes we can take a road in life that WE think will bring glory to God. Our motives may seem good, but those very things can become a snare. Nwamiko Madden was raised in a Christian home and always had a strong sense of God in his life. But that didn’t keep him from venturing into a place where he could be trapped by Satan. He sought fame, thinking he would be able to witness for God more effectively that way. But God stepped in to save him and closed the door. Then He opened up a new ministry for Miko. Listen to his story. It may help YOU stay away from Satan’s deceptive traps.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Overturn, Overturn, Overturn

Dr Mark Turnbull is a true Flying Doctor in a remote area of Vanuatu. Recently, we interviewed Mark after his plane was severely damaged by two cyclones that ripped through the South Pacific nation. With no plane, his mission is crippled. Now, a few weeks later, Mark can testify that, although Satan turned God’s plane upside down, God is turning Satan’s plans upside down. Join us to find out what God has been doing for Mark’s ministry since the cyclones. He also talks to us about leadership in the great controversy between God and Satan. Who is YOUR leader in this cosmic war?

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Lifestyle Medicine Gets A LIFT

Lifestyle Medicine is an exciting concept with biblical and Adventist connections. But, what is it? Where and how did it start? Why did it start? What is happening with it today? Dr Darren Morton joins us today to answer these questions and to inspire us to get personally involved through the LIFT Project. This is for everyone. Get your family and friends to watch so they, too, can enjoy the benefits.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.