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Focus on God’s Word: How To Understand The Book Of Revelation

Apocalypse, Doomsday, Armageddon, the end of the world as we know it, are all associated with the Book of Revelation. How does one make sense of it all? Is there a message in there that we really need to know? In this program, Geoff Youlden shares the secret to understanding this great book.

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Focus on God’s Word: The Anti Christ… Who Is He?

The Bible talks about an antichrist. Christians have long wondered who this is, and what they will do. Geoff Youlden shares the truth about this mysterious character in this exciting program!

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Focus on God’s Word: The Fatal Mistake

A fatal mistake was made a long time ago, and most Christians don’t know that they have continued it. What is it and how do we avoid it? In this program, Geoff Youlden gives us the answer.

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Focus on God’s Word: The Two Covenants

Old and new covenant, what are they and why are they important? Geoff Youlden gives the full picture in this program.

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Focus on God’s Word: Why Are There So Many Denominations?

There are many different varieties of Christianity, so which one is the right one? Why are there so many to choose from? This confuses many people. In this program, Geoff Youlden provides the answers to these questions.

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Focus on God’s Word: How To Add 10 Years To Your Life

Looking around, we can see all sorts of health fads, diets, and pills that are supposed to extend our life and give us better health. But it doesn’t need to be so complicated! Did you know that the Bible has all the information you need to live longer? Geoff Youlden reveals it in this program.

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Focus on God’s Word: Is Baptism Really Necessary?

Baptism is an important part of Christianity. Even Jesus Himself was baptised. But baptism is carried out in different ways by different churches. What are the true Biblical principles of baptism? Find out in this program.

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Focus on God’s Word: Only Jesus

With all the troubles we experience and the evil in this world, there is One that we can turn to to save us, that is Jesus Christ. In this presentation, Charissa Fong presents the compassion and love of Jesus.