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3ABN Australia Homecoming 2022: “Jesus, the Light of the World”

Sunday morning 9 am session with Pr Mike Browning.

Jesus came to earth to reveal what God the Father is like. His ultimate demonstration of the Father’s love, mercy, and even His justice, was His death for the sins of the world. By His resurrection, Jesus has the authority to resurrect all who will call upon Him. When He returned to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to bring Jesus into the hearts and minds of all who sincerely ask for Him. The Holy Spirit has all the attributes of Jesus, who in turn has all the attributes of the Father. The Holy Spirit will bring these same attributes into the lives of all who surrender to Him.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: True Joy in a Mixed-Up World

Can anyone be truly joyful in this chaotic, mixed-up world? Or is that some kind of unreal utopia, dreamed up by someone who continually lives in their own unrealistic imagination? Is joy real? If it is, how do we find it? Dr Timothy Standish discusses this with us and helps us understand that it is real, and achievable, in this world. Watch today’s program to find out how we can have real joy in our lives.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Serving World Youth

God has a work for each of us to do. It is up to us to let God take us where He knows we should be. Malcolm and Valda Allen were blessed to be led by God into work with youth. Listen to their words of wisdom gleaned from many years of working for God.

Making Sense of a World in Turmoil

Are you looking for answers in today’s climate of uncertainty? Do not despair. This little book provides answers to your questions, and will encourage you to believe there is a God who cares for you. This world in turmoil is not beyond help, and you matter to the God who created you, because He loves you and wants you to have a wonderful future. You don’t need much knowledge of the Bible or Christianity to get started, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to understand what you read.

Allen Sonter PhD

3ABN Now: World Changers Bible

How do you change the world? Many have asked that question, for different reasons, and have tried many and varied ways to succeed. But most have not made the world a better place. We know a man who has been inspired by God to change the world for the better. His name is Dr Nick Kross. He works for the South Pacific Division of Seventh– day Adventists, and began a project to change the world, using a book and a willing person. Watch this week’s program to find out more about Nick’s project and the good changes that have come about because of it.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Making Sense of a World In Turmoil Book

The world is obviously in turmoil. It has worsened because of the COVID-19 pandemic, with panic and over-crowding of hospitals and health services around the world. Everyone has been affected in some way, and politicians have not been able to fix the problems. But, why do such things happen, and is there any help–and hope? As we discuss Dr Allen Sonter’s new book, we find that there are answers to these questions. There is also a special book offer, within Australia, for the first 50 viewers/listeners who contact us for it. Watch the program and get the offer.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.