Search Results for: %22Healthy Living%22

ARISE comes to Australia

By Adele Nash For the first time, the Light Bearers team will run their full three-month ARISE evangelism program…

Evolution Impossible: But Isn’t Evolution a Fact?

The question of where life originally came from intrigues everyone, no matter whether you are a 7-year-old girl or a distinguished professor. However, there are a variety of different theories about how life came about. In this series, we are will explore the biggest theory in the world today—Evolution! Is it even possible? Join us as we discover the answer to this question.

Evolution Impossible: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

As soon as you hear the name “Darwin”, it’s likely that you will know who he is and think of pictures of the HMS Beagle, the Galapagos Islands, finch beaks, and that very well-known picture of a line-up of monkeys slowly standing up and gradually becoming a human being. But sometimes people don’t really know what Darwin’s theory actual was. In this program, we’ll look at what it was really about.

Evolution Impossible: Random Mutations

In this program we are talking about one of the most important components of Darwin’s theory of evolution—random mutations. Darwin believed that we all evolved through a series of genetic mutations—we are all mutants of a common ancestor. But is that true? Watch to find out what really happens as the result of mutations.

Evolution Impossible: The Fossil Record

So, it may sound like our discussion is going to be fairly dead in this program—we will be focusing on the remains of animals that are no longer alive, but be assured that this is actually very interesting. What is really surprising is that the fossil record actually supports the Bible and not evolution.

Evolution Impossible: Missing Fossils of Evolutionary Intermediates

One of the key ideas in evolution is that there is a fairly smooth transition from one species of animal to another. So, there should have been a whole lot of animals in between fish and reptiles, and similarly between dinosaurs and birds. This should mean that there are lot of fossils of these intermediate animals. The question is—do these fossils exist? It feels like a little bit of a detective story, looking for the links in the chain.

How does the evolutionary process work and why would we be looking for these fossils in the middle between different animals? Find out in this program.

Evolution Impossible: Geological Evidence for a Catastrophic Global Flood

One of the landmark events in the Bible is the Flood, which the book of Genesis tells us covered the whole Earth. That would be a pretty incredible flood, and yet some scholars maintain that the flood was only a local event which impacted a region in the Middle East. But what we want to know is: where does the scientific evidence point? Does it point to a local flood or a Global Flood?

Evolution Impossible: Historical Evidence for a Worldwide Flood

Last time we explored the geological evidence for a catastrophic global Flood. But of course, there are still animals and people living on Earth today, so not all life would have been destroyed in that event. If there were people who survived, then there may be other historical evidence for a global catastrophe like that. In this program, we look at this evidence.

Morisset Production Centre Project

In 2006, 3ABN President Danny Shelton visited Australia. He saw that there was a need to build a production…

Evolution Impossible: Erosion & Sedimentation vs Radiometric Dating Ages

One of the big things that evolution needs is time, and lots of it! That’s why Charles Darwin was so intrigued and attracted to Charles Lyell’s hypothesis that geology points to long ages. But do geological processes really lead us to an old Earth? That’s the topic for this discussion!