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Landmarks of Prophecy

What significance does a prediction given thousands of years ago have for you today? What recent world events are…

Darkness Before Dawn

Does the world around you seem to be spinning more and more out of control?

Have you ever wondered…

Why do so many innocent people suffer?

Why are there so many problems in the world today—and why does no one seem to have any answers?

What really happens when a person dies?

Why has there been such a decline in moral values in society? What will be the final result?

What are the real social, political, and religious issues facing the world today?

How can I find personal peace?

Where is God when I hurt?

Forever Hymns

“As a child growing up in church, hymns were always a big part of 
our worship services. Their majesty, beauty, and legacy made an everlasting impression on my life as well as an imprint on my heart that time has never erased. The composers of these hymns were moved by the Holy Spirit to pen such rich, inspiring lyrics as well as beautiful melodies that they were, are now, and will always be a part of our Christian heritage. When given the wonderful opportunity by 3ABN to record a hymns project, I chose eleven of my most favorite hymns. Many thanks to Danny Shelton, the staff at 3ABN, as well as my brother and producer, Roni Goss, for their tireless effort in making this project come true for me. I pray that your heart will be blessed and your life inspired as you listen to these hymns that will last forever.” – Lari Goss

Biblical Prescriptions for Life – Study Guide

A seven-week life-transforming study that unlocks the secrets to healing and lifelong, whole-life wellness through physical and spiritual truths directly from the Bible, supported by science. The solution to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, mental health problems and every other acquired disease. An evidence-based approach.

In the Master’s Steps

We are admonished in the Scripture to “walk even as He walked.” And in order to do so, you must be willing to follow in His footsteps. By His example, you can know that “this is the way, walk ye in it.” Your heart will rejoice in the blessings and promises that Christ gave as you walk in the Master’s steps.

Heart Lift Workbook

Practicing God’s Freedom

This interactive workbook, designed to be a companion study guide to the book, HeartLift, is full of practical tools and promises from the Word of God than can revolutionize the way you think and feel. Perfect for a women’s study group, it easily transitions to individual use, as well.

Begin your journey now toward healing and wholeness!

Understanding the Godhead

There is so much confusion over who God is… What is the Truth?

Joel Ridgeway explains how he changed his mind ‘from a staunch anti-trinitarian to a confirmed believer in the Eternal Heavenly Trio’. What could cause a person to make such a change? Many said it couldn’t happen. Discover light on this most confusing topic from the journey of one who has ‘been there and done it’. He chose to search out more thoroughly the Truth for himself. The answers are in this book.

VAST – The 3ABN Miracle Story

This story, written by 3ABN Australia’s General Manager, John Malkiewycz, recounts the miracle that saw 3ABN International added to…

Focus on God’s Word (Season 4)

October 31, 1517 was the day that Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. Who was Martin Luther? What triggered his action? Why did it have such an impact on Christian history?

Find out this and more in this six-part series with Graham Weir as he takes us through the history of the Protestant Reformation and points us toward our future home!