Satellite Coverage

3ABN Television and Radio may be received world-wide via satellite, as shown on the map below. Each coloured region represents a satellite coverage area.

1 G-19: North America (3ABN, 3ABN Radio)
2 DISH: Ch. 9401, United States (3ABN)
3 G-18: North America
4 IS-21: North, Central, and South America, Europe (3ABN Latino)
5 Express AT 1: Russia (3ABN Russia)
6 Express AT 2: Eastern Russia (3ABN Russia)
7 VAST: Ch. 109 & 603, Australia (3ABN International), Radio Ch. 605 (3ABN Australia Radio)

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Australia & New Zealand Coverage

3ABN broadcasts are no longer available via satellite in New Zealand. To continue to watch our programs tune into Firstlight or Hope Channel NZ, as they carry some of our programs, or use Internet-based streaming options. Please see our How to get 3ABN page for more information.

For viewers in Australia currently receiving our broadcasts from the Intelsat-19 satellite, you may switch to VAST. See the next section for more information.

Australian Coverage with VAST (via Optus Aurora Digital)

Australia, along with Cocos Keeling, Christmas, Lord Howe, and Norfolk Islands are covered by the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) service. The 3ABN International network is available to all viewers on VAST channels 109 and 603, and 3ABN Australia Radio on radio channel 605. You do not need access to commercial TV networks to receive our channels. Activation for ABC and SBS is all that is necessary, which is available to anyone in Australia, even those in metropolitan areas.

For information about how to access the VAST service, please visit the myVAST website.

Important Information for Installers:

  • A 10.7 GHz LNB is required for VAST. DO NOT use an 11.3 GHZ LNB.
  • Registration MUST be done through the myVAST website ( for those in metro areas. Both the call centre and will deny access.

Satellite System Suppliers and Installers

We have a list of equipment suppliers and installers in different areas around Australia.

Other Regions

For information about how to receive 3ABN via satellite in regions other than Australia and New Zealand, please see the satellite parameters page located on the main 3ABN website.