Satellite Parameters

Important information for those receiving our broadcasts from Intelsat-19

On the 28th February 2025 we will cease broadcasting on IS-19. This means our channels will no longer be available via satellite in New Zealand. Please see the Satellite Coverage page for more information.

VAST (via Optus Aurora Digital)

3ABN International is available on VAST channels 109 and 603, and 3ABN Australia Radio on radio channel 605. Tuning is not required as the VAST-compliant set-top boxes/TVs do that automatically. If you have purchased a VAST-compliant device and wish to point your dish to the correct location, you will need to point it at the Optus D3 satellite, located at 156° East.

Dish Pointing

To find the general direction to point your dish, we recommend that you visit the Satellite Finder / Dish Alignment Calculator website. Here you enter your location and the satellite that you wish to use, and it will provide the elevation (angle above the ground) and azimuth (compass bearing). You can move the pin on the map to the exact location that you wish to install the dish.

Below are various approximations for locations around Australia for pointing to the Optus D3 satellite.

Location Elevation° Compass Bearing° (Azimuth)
Adelaide, SA 45.4 20.5
Alice Springs, NT 52.7 40.8
Brisbane, Qld 57.8 -4.7
Broken Hill, NSW 49.6 17.5
Darwin, NT 57.4 63.2
Devonport, Tas 41.4 0.2
Geraldton, WA 33.9 62.4
Hobart, Tas 39.7 -3.1
Kalgoorlie, WA 38.2 52.5
Karratha, WA 39.8 65.7
Melbourne, Vic 44.7 5.6
Mt Isa, Qld 59.4 34.7
Perth, WA 33.2 59.6
Sydney, NSW 50.3 -4.4
Townsville, Qld 65.1 18.8